
Progress Report III

I have no real progress to report this month, which included the tail end of our Christmas break and a whole mess of viruses in a row. Since starting daycare, Beatrix has enjoyed few weeks without a stuffy nose, cough, or fever, and these symptoms invariably pass through the whole family. This is all normal, unfortunately; just part of her little immune system catching up to the rest of the world.

The Concentric Circles Of Commitment

I will turn 35 years old this week. A few months ago, a friend told me she felt old, and I responded that we are. Old by how we used to reckon old, anyway. I told her that, now, having some years as a husband and father under my belt, I understand much better why men develop mid-life crises and spin out of control. They want to rediscover that young man they (hope they) were before responsibilities changed their minds, or maybe even convince themselves they can be that man again.