How we doin'?

Progress Report III

I have no real progress to report this month, which included the tail end of our Christmas break and a whole mess of viruses in a row. Since starting daycare, Beatrix has enjoyed few weeks without a stuffy nose, cough, or fever, and these symptoms invariably pass through the whole family. This is all normal, unfortunately; just part of her little immune system catching up to the rest of the world.

Progress report II

I’d like to say it feels good to be writing again, but that would need several qualifiers to ring true. Writing with purpose is like the difference between flirting and getting it on. When you flirt, it’s fun and your heart races and she seems to be digging it, but it can all fall apart with one wrong move. When you’re getting it on, you know the score.

Progress report

In the eight years between the completion of Working Class Villain and this gray and grizzled morning, I have poked and prodded and started and stopped four major writing projects. Other ideas have come and gone and been scribbled down and discarded (my file cabinets are full of folders that contain single phrases on folded napkins and indecipherable cursive scribblings on yellow legal paper), but these four are the ones I always come back to.