
Progress Report III

I have no real progress to report this month, which included the tail end of our Christmas break and a whole mess of viruses in a row. Since starting daycare, Beatrix has enjoyed few weeks without a stuffy nose, cough, or fever, and these symptoms invariably pass through the whole family. This is all normal, unfortunately; just part of her little immune system catching up to the rest of the world.

What hath god wrought?

When you write for a living, it’s sometimes easier to remember certain eras by what you were working on than by the actual date. I don’t remember when precisely I moved back to California, but I do remember I was staying with my brother in Mission Viejo when I wrote a short story from the perspective of Maxwell’s Silver Hammer. (I thought I was very clever; my partner at the time thought it was a waste of time. Time has proven her right.)